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Basic commands
/reply [message] - reply to the previous message
/tell [player] [message] - send private message to a player
/home - teleport to your bed

/kits - view available kits

/kit [kit_name] - get a kit


/vault - store your items in your virtual storage
/vaults - show all the vaults that is available for you


/vote - vote for the server and get rewards.
/reward - claim your reward from voting.

Changing the weather or day of the server
/cvote <vote name | alias> - start a vote to make a something happen.


/report <player> <reason> - report a player from doing unlawful things.
/breport <description> - report a bug.
/sreport <description> - report with a screenshot.


/rules - check server rules to avoid getting a ban.
/commands - a checklist of available commands you can use.
/steam - join our official steamgroup.
/discord - join our official discord channel to keep updated on our server.
/shop - view our official website.



/ping - view your / player ping

/systemtime - show system time

/investigate [player] - check your or someone's info such as playtime.
/rpui on|off - enable/disable RP UI.

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